
About Us

About Seeds of Achievements

The mission of the Seeds of Achievements, Dominate Your Destiny Seminar is to educate, train and inspire business professionals and young adults on how to obtain success, prosperity, happiness and balance in their personal and professional lives, as well as identify and handle the numerous challenges and battles they will face on their path to success.

Today’s young adults and teens not only have greater challenges, uphill battles, anxieties and obstacles than ever before, but unfortunately, they also have less direction, clarity, understanding, parental guidance, and support at their disposal than ever before. Their lives are filled with mounting social media distractions, confusion, peer pressure, insecurity, lack of self-confidence and integrity, substance abuse, poor character, and numerous other life factors that can dramatically affect their chances of proceeding down a life path in a successful, harmonious, and positive fashion.

The distractions and pressures of our modern world carry over into the workplace, too. It’s easy for group synergy and cohesion to crumble when its members don’t effectively utilize their individual talents and collaborate harmoniously. The same life lessons that the today’s youth should strive to possess must also be present in the lives of professional individuals, at every level of their careers.

The Seeds of Achievements, Dominate Your Destiny Seminar is the answer to the question, “How do I achieve success, attain my goals, and create a prosperous life for myself?”

The Seeds of Achievements, Dominate Your Destiny Seminar is one of the most powerful and effective inspirational business seminars in America today, with a focus on making an immediate, life-changing and positive impact on the lives of business professionals and young adults. Developed over a twenty-year span by Life-Enhancement Expert and Motivational Speaker, Scott Nicholson, The Seeds of Achievements, Dominate Your Destiny Seminar was designed in a unique and innovative way as a roadmap and new mindset for all adults – and especially today’s youth – to embrace and follow. The seminar will walk each attendee through an easy-to-understand, life-enriching journey that guides them to understand all of the critical personality, career, family, and individual tactics and traits they MUST learn and incorporate into their lives to ensure life success is attained. This inspiring roadmap will provide each attendee with limitless life ammunition they will be able to apply to every aspect of their lives, dramatically enhancing their ability to face every challenge, strive to achieve every goal and ultimately shorten the amount of time they will need to attain all of this life success by ten, twenty, even thirty years.

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